
Responsive Website Design and Development for Everlasting Imagery.

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Responsive WordPress Development

Client Dashboard and Visual CMS

Lead Capture Campaign 

About the client

Everlasting Imagery is a UK based wedding photographer with a traditional and artistic style. This photography veteran finds creative ways to forever capture a couples specials day.

Services Used

Web Development


Being a wedding photographer its all about IMAGES! We designed a website to showcase her photography talent.

We installed a visual CMS so new images can be added across the site and to the gallery by Amy (the owner) anytime anywhere. 

We also set and created an automated lead capture campaign. When new visitors come to the website they are prompted to download a free wedding checklist guide in exchange for their email address.

What The Client Says

“Evana Designs had a really hands-on approach with the design process. I was able to work very closely with them, meeting several times to shape the website to my exact vision.”

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Callie Wilcox – Memorable Merchandise

“We have had a long relationship with Evana and have found them to be as eager today as they were when we began working with them. We have found them to be enthusiastic, informative and well priced. Over our relationship they have helped design our new logos, helped in the design of our website, built, launched and currently manage.”

Mike Wilson – The Garden Path

“I can’t recommend Evana Designs highly enough, they immediately grasped the raidon d’etre of my business and created a website which perfectly promotes it. My clients love the site and first impressions always count.”

We create beautiful web solutions in-house out of our offices in Bath (UK) and Tarragona (Spain).

© Evana Designs.



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