
Up Your Online Game.

With our professional web development service, you get a fully responsive design with no restrictions on the number of web-pages. 

Our websites are built in house by our creative design team. We work with you every step of the way to ensure that your website truly reflects your business and brand. Enjoy a combination of crisp, rousing aesthetics and an array of innovative features on display, for the people that matter to you. Start generating more leads and sales online.

Our Design Process


We research your business and industry in order to understand you and your target audience. This enables us to define your websites purpose.


In this stage, a sitemap and basic web structure are built. We also identify the appropriate web technologies for your project.


A wireframe is designed, detailing the visual style/aesthetics of the website. The user experience and user interface are a top priority when designing.


In this stage, the content for your webiste is produced. We select the best photos, videos and graphics for your website. All content, including text, images and videos will be optimised for search engines.


At this stage, your website will be developed. All of our websites are built to be responsive, which means that the website responds to the screen size of the user’s device, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices. (Responsiveness is one of the most important factors for being ranked on Google).


Once the website has been developed we will release the site to a testing server, where you will have access to view it and request any alterations before deployment.


After you are happy with the final design it’s then deployed! However, our work is not over yet. We offer a vast range of ongoing after sales services and digital marketing. We like to continually work with our clients to ensure their online business thrives.

Our Latest Projects

Big Rig Catering

Team Box


Talk to us about your project

We create beautiful web solutions in-house out of our offices in Bath (UK) and Tarragona (Spain).

© Evana Designs.



Have a question? Contact us here: 



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