
Important Google Update That Affects All Website Owners and Businesses

by | Industry Updates, Search Engine Optimisation

It’s not often that an update to a browser has such a large impact to business across the globe. Google’s latest update to their popular web browser, Google Chrome, aims to make the web more safe and secure for users and site owners All websites without an SSL will now display a “NOT SECURE” sign in the URL field.. The only way to remove this message is to purchase and install an SSL certificate on your website.

1. How will this affect you?

In short, an increase in bounce rates and a decrease in sales or enquiries. Cybersecurity has never been more important and consumers and more aware of this than ever before. Your site visitors may be instantly deterred when they see a “NOT SECURE” sign on your website.

2. What to do

Purchase and install an SSL Certificate. An SSL certificate doesn’t cost much, you can find a single domain certificate from most hosting providers for £10-£40(a year).

Without an SSL certificate, your domain will read “http://www.” But, with an SSL certificate properly installed, your domain will read “https://www.”

There are a few different types of SSL certificates you can purchase for your website. A single domain certificate only works for your parent domain (i.e., example.com) and not any subdomains (i.e., shop.example.com). A wildcard SSL certificate will work for a domain and all of its subdomains. Lastly, a multiple domain certificate, known as a SAN or UC certificate, will work with multiple domains and subdomains (i.e., you can use it with example.com, shop.example.com, and example.net).

To get an SSL certificate added to your website you’ll need to purchase a certificate and download it. You’ll then need to install your certificate on your web server.

We are offering SSL certificates and installation for £99. If you’d like more information, contact us.

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