How to Choose the Right Keyword Match Type?

by | Marketing

If you’re advertising on Google ads you need to know the difference between match types. We have been debating about writing a blog about the different Keyword Match Type, and after analysing hundreds of ad accounts we realised that we must. Many account managers in 2020 are still confused between the differences between the four match types. If you’re one of them, or want to learn more about it, this blog was made for you!

1. What are the Four Match Types Available?

Keyword Match Types are the core of your Google AdWords account. How you use them will determine how well your overall account will perform. The keyword match type that you choose will affect what google searches will be triggered by your ad.

If you want to target a large audience, then use broad match.  You will have less control to whom your ad will show to but your ads will show for a lot more search terms than if using other match types.

On the opposite side, if you want more control and to show your ad on more specific searches, then you will use an exact match.

Let us walk you through each of the four different Match Types and how to add them to your campaigns with this keyword example: Mens Trousers

Broad Match – This match type doesn’t have any symbol, you simply have to type it in and add it to your ad group. 

This type of keyword will literally show your ad to almost every search that is somewhat related. The search may have a close variation of your keyword. They may not have your specific keyword in the search. Plus, additional words may appear before, between or after the terms.

If you add Men Trousers as a Broad Match your ad will show for Clothing for Men, Purple hats for men, Jogger for dudes.

Broad Match Modifier – This is one of the three match types with a symbol. To add a Broad Match Modifier keyword add a + in front of each keyword.

This type match type will show your ad to your designated term and to words that are closer variations of your terms compared to Broad match type. Plus, additional words may appear before, between or after the terms.

If you add +Mens +Trousers as a Broad Match Modifier, your ad will show for Pants for large guys, Purple pants for tall men, How to sew pants for men.

Phrase Match – This match type includes the symbol ““ that will be displayed before and after the word or sentence.

This type of match will make your ad appear to closer variations of your term compared to the previous match type. It will mainly include terms that have the same meaning. Plus, additional words may appear before or after your terms, but not in between.

If you add “Mens Trousers” as a Phrase Match, your ad will show for Pants for men, Purple pants for men, red mens trousers.

Exact Match – This match type includes [ ] that will be displayed before and after the word or sentence.

This type of match will show your ad to the exact term that you have chosen, or to very close variations that have the same meaning.

If you add [Mens Trousers] as an Exact Match, your ad will show for Men’s Trousers, Trousers for Men, Men Trousers, Men Trousssers.

Final Tips

As you may have noticed, for the Exact Match, your keyword [Men Trousers] shows for Trousers for Men and Men Trousssers and you may be wondering why.

  • No matter the match type that you will use, Google Ads will take into consideration the fact that someone may have made a grammatical error, therefore if it is very close to your keyword, your ad will show to them. Therefore, your ad will show for the search Men Trousssers.

  • When it comes to prepositions such as for, of, in, on (…) google AdWords doesn’t count them as words therefore, even if you use exact match, your ad will show even if there is the search isn’t totally exact due to the use of a preposition. Therefore, your ad will show for the search Trousers for Men.

  • The order of your words in your match type doesn’t matter, your ad will show as long it has similar or exact words following the match type that you have chosen. Therefore, your ad will show for Trousers Men.

Now that you have a better understanding of what the four different match types are and how they work. Head on over to your Google AdWords account, look at your keywords and see if you wrongly used them! Also, don’t hesitate to reach us if you want a free audit of your Google AdWords account.

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